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Accessibility Required at Kilcoole Beach

Deputy Stephen Matthews, Green Party TD for Wicklow is calling for immediate action to be taken by Wicklow County Council and Irish Rail to provide wheelchair accessibility to Kilcoole beach. This beach, which is a much-valued amenity in the local area, is currently largely inaccessible to people with mobility issues.

Speaking on the urgency of the matter, Deputy Matthews said:

“Kilcoole beach is a beautiful amenity in Wicklow, and it is extremely unfair that people with mobility issues cannot enjoy the beach in the same way as everyone else. It is a beach that I have had the pleasure of visiting many times in the past and find it unacceptable that it cannot be utilised by all residents and visitors equally.

“In recent weeks I have been contacted directly by a number of residents who have expressed their anger at the current situation. Accessibility issues for both public and private amenities is an issue that has been raised with me many times in the past. I believe any restriction that reduces the ability for people or families to enjoy public facilities such as Kilcoole beach is not acceptable.

“It is my understanding that there are questions regarding responsibility over land ownership in that location between Wicklow County Council and Irish Rail, which has potentially slowed progress in this area. I have written directly to both Wicklow County Council and Irish Rail seeking their support in order ensure that all residents may enjoy the beach equally. I will continue to liaise with both authorities and if any residents wish to raise similar concerns regarding access to Kilcoole beach or any other location around Wicklow please don’t hesitate to get in touch”, Deputy Matthews concluded.



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