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Ashford Main Street needs safety upgrade says Matthews

‘Ashford Main Street needs a new layout, upgrades to walking routes, better parking, cycle routes and a general safety improvement for all users’ said Green TD Steven Matthews following a walking visit around the area with the council engineer and residents. ‘It’s a beautiful town, on a river, with a nice wide Main Street but it’s a bit chaotic for cyclists, pedestrians and parking and I want to see that improved. I met with the Wicklow District Engineer and District Administrator, and we walked the entire road looking at some issues that could be improved, layouts that might assist better parking and safer walking for parents with children and older residents. Following that site visit, I and my Green Party colleague and local election candidate Mia Fahey-McCarthy organised a meeting with residents where further actions and improvements were discussed. It is clear from the meetings and further engagement with local businesses that there is a desire to carry out works to Ashford Main Street, to make it more inviting for locals and visitors, to attract footfall to support local business and to manage parking a little better and provide safe crossing points so that pedestrians and cyclists can get around in safety. I have now contacted Wicklow County Council to request that they apply for funding to carry out a design concept and feasibility study for improving the area and I will further support them through my engagement with the Departments of Housing and Transport and the National Transport Authority. Many of our towns in Wicklow are growing at a fast rate and its good to see new housing being built but it is imperative that our Council has the funding to match housing delivery with enhanced public places, good local transport options and walkable, liveable and enjoyable town centres’, concluded Deputy Matthews.



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