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“Environmental Levy on Disposable Cups Needed to Tackle Litter” – Matthews

Green Party TD Steven Matthews is encouraging people in Wicklow to make a submission to the public consultation on draft regulations to introduce an environmental levy on single-use disposable cups. Under the Circular Economy Act which was signed into law earlier this year, consumers will be encouraged to use a re-usable cup when buying a hot drink and a levy of 20c will be applied to the cost of a single-use disposable cup. A public consultation has been launched to finalise the regulations for the environmental levy and will be open for submissions until November 22nd, 2022.

Welcoming the public consultation, Deputy Matthews said:

“The environmental levy on disposable cups aims to reduce waste and encourage more sustainable consumer practices. The National Litter Survey shows that while the number of litter blackspots across the country has fallen, there is still a high level of litter caused by disposable coffee cups. Thousands of cups are incinerated each year, and this is unnecessary and avoidable waste.

“My Green Party colleague, Minister Ossian Smyth, has launched a public consultation on the draft regulations to introduce an environmental levy on single-use disposable cups. I would encourage all those interested in Wicklow – including members of the public, workers and local businesses – to share their views and contribute to the introduction of this important measure.

“The Green Party in Government is delivering on its commitment to support the development of a Circular Economy in Ireland. We have successfully introduced the Circular Economy Act, a landmark piece of legislation that will transform the way we produce and consume. It is widely recognised that we must move away from single-use disposable items that contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. By implementing a Circular Economy, we can reduce costs for businesses and consumers and tackle the issue of litter which has become increasingly problematic in Wicklow.

“I look forward to working alongside my Green Party colleagues and engaging further with stakeholders of industry and the public to introduce Circular Economy practices in Wicklow. If anyone would like to find out more about the public consultation on the environmental levy on disposable cups or the Circular Economy Act, I would encourage them to get in touch with me directly and I will offer any support I can”, Deputy Matthews concluded.


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