Green TD Steven Matthews has welcomed the EPA report that says that greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 6.8% in 2023, compared with 2022.
“This is good news for every single person in Co. Wicklow,” said Deputy Matthews. You don’t have to be a Green to benefit from cleaner air and water and lower energy bills. To reduce our emissions by nearly 7% in just one year is an incredible result. It builds on the 2% reduction last year and shows that Ireland is making real progress in terms of hitting our climate targets.

“The amount of greenhouse gases we’re producing is at its lowest level in over 30 years which is all the more impressive when you consider how much bigger our economy and our population is compared to back then. The Greens in Government have been driving this change, delivering on new, ground-breaking policies every day that are not just reducing our emissions, but are improving people’s lives.
“It’s also really good news on lots of other fronts too. It means cleaner air because we’re burning fewer fossil fuels, more jobs because we’re producing our own energy instead of importing it from abroad, and lower fuel bills and warmer homes because we’re insulating our buildings.
“We’re also ensuring that Ireland’s economy is ready for the changes that lie ahead as the world switches to greener technologies. We’re determined Ireland will be at the forefront of that switch and these results today show we’re doing exactly that. We are seeing reductions in almost all sectors. Emissions from energy production fell by a massive 21%. Agriculture decreased by 4.6% and residential emissions reduced by over 7%.
“This emissions reduction is down to the Irish people who are making a real difference - every day 70 families are putting solar panels on their roofs while twice that amount are retrofitting their homes.
Farmers are embracing new ways of working in order to lower their footprint, while more and more people are opting for public transport every year. This is all evidence that Irish people care about the environment.”
However Deputy Matthews warns that despite the positive news there is no room for complacency. “We have much more work to do over coming years to ensure that we make our 2030 targets and beyond. We need to ensure that the people we vote into power have the same commitment to lower emissions and make life better for us all.
“Above all, we have to keep listening to people. This transition will only work if it is a fair one that is better for families and communities. That’s what the Greens are working to achieve.”