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Matthews Encourages Local Groups to Apply for Grants to Plant Native Trees

Date: 29 July 2022

Deputy Steven Matthews, Green Party TD for Wicklow, has welcomed the launch of a scheme that will provide grants for community organisations to plant native trees and hedgerows in the Garden County. Discussing the announcement from Wicklow County Council, Deputy Matthews said:

“I am delighted to welcome the launch of these grants which will encourage the planting of native trees and hedgerows across Wicklow. This is an initiative from Wicklow County Council’s Climate Action Programme which acts on the commitment in the recently published Tree Management Policy to increase the planting of native trees by 10% each year. We were the first local authority in Ireland to declare a biodiversity emergency, and it is wonderful to see this ambitious action which will increase our native tree cover and allow our natural environment to flourish.

“Planting native trees enhances local biodiversity, provides for carbon sequestration and results in benefits for our health and wellbeing. I would encourage all groups that are eligible – including Tidy Towns, schools, youth clubs, resident’s associations, community groups and sports clubs – to start identifying sites that would be suitable for the planting of native trees and apply for one of the grants available from Wicklow County Council. These actions in our local communities can make a positive contribution to addressing the biodiversity crisis and developing resilience against the effects of climate change. For further information or to request an application form for a grant, please email the Environmental Awareness Office of Wicklow County Council at

“The Green Party is delivering on its key commitments in the Programme for Government to protect Ireland’s biodiversity and natural heritage. We have developed a Strategic Action Plan for the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and increased its funding by €55 million over the next three budgetary cycles. If anyone has questions about the Government’s policies on biodiversity or would like to introduce an initiative to enhance the local environment in Wicklow, I would encourage them to get in touch with me directly and I will offer any support I can”, Deputy Matthews concluded.



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