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Matthews Encourages Primary School Pupils to Take Part Animal Welfare Initiative

Green TD Steven Matthews has welcomed the announcement of a children's art competition aimed at raising awareness for National Animal Welfare Awareness Day this December. The initiative, announced by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine tasks children aged 11-13 with drawing or painting their favourite animal and submitting it for judging.

Expressing his support for the competition, Deputy Matthews said:

“This competition offers young people a wonderful opportunity to learn about, and raise awareness regarding the important issue of animal welfare. The welfare of animals, whether they be pets, native wild species or farmland animals, is important to all of us. I would strongly encourage any primary school child between the ages of 11- 13 to get involved and pay tribute to an animal which is close to their heart.

“Entering the competition is simple, we are asking children to draw or paint their favourite animal on an A4 page, then asking a parent or guardian to photograph their work, and submit it via email to The closing date for the competition is the 21st of November. The artwork will then be judged by a panel headed by DSPCA ambassador Rossana Davidson who will select five winning submissions. The winners and their families will be invited to a special event hosted at Farmleigh House on Animal Welfare Day, December 8th, where they will receive their prize of a Dublin Zoo family pass for 2023 and a goodie bag.

“Animal welfare is a key priority for the Green Party, and we have always led on this issue. I am fortunate enough to have worked closely with animal welfare charities both in my capacity as Wicklow County Councillor and now as TD for Wicklow, seeing first-hand the incredible work that the many dedicated volunteers carry out to safeguard Irish animals. I really look forward to the opportunity to review some of the wonderful artwork that is submitted by children taking part in the competition,” Deputy Matthews concluded.



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