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Matthews: SciFest a Huge Success for ETTS Wicklow

Green TD Steven Matthews offers huge praise to Educate Together Secondary School – Wicklow for their hosting of SciFest last week. This was a schoolwide science competition that encouraged students to ask questions, research a topic that interested them and present on the day to a judging panel. Deputy Matthews was one of the judges and passed on particular congratulations to the overall winners - Urte Matuseviciute & Odhran O'Reilly from 2nd Year.

Discussing the tournament, Deputy Matthews said:


“I had the privilege to judge thirteen outstanding projects from students in ETSS Wicklow. Whenever I get the chance to visit schools, it never ceases to amaze me the level of enthusiasm, intelligence, and drive that so many of our young people have and it definitely offers huge hope for the future.


“I want to offer particular praise to the winners – Urte & Odhran on their project which researched the impact of plastic bottles on the pH of water. I know that they are very keen to work further on this project and expand their research based on their initial findings. 


“The enthusiastic, inquisitive and professional way the students carried out their work and then presented to the judges was outstanding. They showed that scientific research can be fun, challenging, surprising and a good way to improve teamwork. 


“I have no doubt that these students have a very bright future. It is clear that this school, under principal John Maddock and teachers like Saoirse Rawson are providing great opportunities to stimulate an interest in STEM amongst their students. 


“I am continuing my work to provide a new school building for ETSS Wicklow so that they can offer the full range of curriculum and facilities. I have been in touch the Minister for Education to push their need for a new school as soon as possible, concluded Deputy Matthews.




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