Steven Matthews TD has welcomed the announcement of three Wicklow projects to benefit from the Town and Village Renewal Schemes totalling €725,000.

‘The three schemes are worthy winners and I am delighted to support and assist with the projects‘ said Matthews ‘€250,000 will go to the refurbishment of Kirikee Community Hall, Glenmalure, to include the renovation of the roof and windows, remedial work on damp in ceilings and walls, insulation and sealing of roof and walls. A further €250,000 is earmarked for Lacken with their proposed project to renovate the old 1869 schoolhouse, so it can continue to be used as a community centre - including a community café, a community shop with a small heritage section. The final project is €225,000 for Wicklow Town with the expansion of the current BMX pump track, at the Murrough in Wicklow Town, into a development of a best-in-class asphalt covered pump track, for all ages and abilities.’
‘These projects are so important for our towns and villages and more so because the ideas come from the community themselves. I am absolutely committed to ensuring that Wicklow projects get their fair share of national funding and equally to ensure that it goes to suitable projects that will support our local community on ideas that they lead on to sustain and support those locations.’
‘The Town and Village Renewal Scheme (TVRS) is prioritising the revitalisation of rural Ireland through a renewed focus on town centre economic and social recovery and regeneration. This will be achieved through projects focusing on town centre regeneration, enhancing our streetscapes and bringing vacant and derelict buildings back into use. Other projects which will be welcomed include regeneration projects that support active and vibrant town or village centres, town centre parks, green spaces and community amenities, etc.
The scheme is administered through the local authorities. They are required to work closely with local communities and local businesses to develop and implement proposals that can make a lasting impact in revitalising rural towns and villages across the country. I would be delighted to assist any community groups who may have ideas and wish to apply for future funding’ concluded Matthews.