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Update Regarding the Vacant Delgany Health Centre Building

Green TD Steven Matthews has called on Wicklow County Council to engage with the HSE to expedite the finalisation of a leasing agreement for the former health centre in Delgany which has lay vacant for a number of years. It is hoped that this building can be used as a community hub by the people of Delgany in the near future.

Speaking on the matter, Deputy Matthews said:

“This is a matter which has been raised with me many times over the last number of months. After engagement with the Delgany community council, who are very keen for this building to be put to use, it is clear that this building would be an ideal facility to house a much needed community hub in the area. I have been in direct contact with the Minister for Health and the HSE to question the reasons for the delay.

“I am very disappointed that this process has taken so long but I hope that over the coming months, and into the new year, there will be productive engagements between the HSE, who currently own the building and Wicklow County Council. I believe the leasing of this property for use as a vital community amenity would be a very good use of council funding, a point which I have made on numerous occasions to council management.

“This issue represents a core goal of Green Party policy. We are committed to returning vacant and derelict units back into use in order to return life and vibrancy to our towns and villages. It is that the rejuvenation of this building which has lay vacant for many years would add to what is already a buzzing community in Delgany,” Deputy Matthews concluded.



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