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Greens welcome restart grants from SMEs but caution that it may not be enough for some

Date: 18/05/2020

Green Party Spokesperson for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Steven Matthews TD has welcomed the recent announcement that offers SMEs a grant of up to €10,000 through their local authorities. Discussing the restart grants which start to become available this Friday, Deputy Matthews said,

“Increased supports to help businesses reopen is something I have been calling for in recent weeks. I specifically raised the practical realities of reopening businesses with social distancing measures and I am glad to see that this grant can be used specifically for this purpose.

“The flexibility of this grant has to be welcomed in particular and I would encourage any SME owner who believes that they fulfil the criteria for this grant to apply as it will offer a small bit of relief, whether that’s to cover some backdates bills, putting in social distancing infrastructure or for replenishing stock.

“I am contacted on a daily basis by business owners both in my own constituency and further afield about the impossible situation they face as a result of the Covis-19 crisis. These new Government supports, on top of the measures previously in place absolutely have to be welcomed but the unfortunate reality is that they aren’t a cure all. Many businesses will simply not be in a position to reopen in the coming months due to spiralling debts and loss of revenue.

“I absolutely support Minister Humphreys in what she has outlined last week in terms of the restart grant, but I urge the Government to continue to engage with the business sector in order that as many jobs as possible are saved.



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