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Matthews calls on the HSE to engage with families of adults with disabilities

Date: 28 July 2020

Green Party TD for Wicklow, Steven Matthews has called for the families of adults with disabilities who use adult day services to be supported following months of restricted support services due to Covid-19.

Discussing the issue, Deputy Matthews said: “I have been in touch with a number of frustrated and exhausted carers in my own constituency of Wicklow in recent weeks with regards to many adult day centres not reopening fully due to Covid-19 restrictions. I fully understand and accept that their closure, like services across the country, was unavoidable but as we move towards full reopening, these families need support.

“I have been made aware, through the advocacy campaign supporting these families, that this is a national problem and it is something that the HSE needs to engage on. These are families that have had little to no respite since March and face another month without that vital support network or at best, much-reduced access to adult day services.

“It is my understanding that a group of carers are gathering outside the Convention Centre this week to raise their case and I completely understand their frustration. I hope that their voices are heard and that possible solutions can be put on the table. The Resumption Framework for Adult Disability Day Services needs to be clarified and clear timeframe for the resumption of services needs to be made available to families.

"The existing situation isn’t fair on those that use these services or on their families and I am calling on the HSE to sit down and engage with those impacted as soon as possible.



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