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Matthews welcomes Taoiseach’s commitments to an all-Ireland approach to climate action in Oireachtas

Date: 28 April 2021

Green Party TD, Steven Matthews, who is a member of the Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach, had the opportunity to put questions to the Taoiseach this week in relation to the work of his Department. Deputy Matthews put the focus on climate change and the importance of taking an all-island approach. Discussing the exchange, Deputy Matthews said:

“It was very welcome that the Taoiseach took the time to meet with the committee to discuss various remits of his department, one of which is playing a key role in cross border talks and agreements. Our own Climate Bill, that sets clear Net Zero targets by 2050, was published very recently and I felt that it was important that the reality of needing a cross border approach to climate action was addressed. Climate change is an issue that impacts all of us and doesn’t recognise borders or lines on a map.

“The Green Party is an all-Ireland party and I meet frequently without our Northern Ireland counterparts to bounce ideas off each other, share experiences and work together towards progressing our shared values and policies. My discussion with the Taoiseach coincided with the week that my Green Party colleagues in Northern Ireland were bringing their own climate bill to committee stage in Stormont and it seemed appropriate to seek commitments from him that he would prioritise a cross border approach.

“I particularly welcomed the Taoiseach’s comment in relation to potential funding opportunities from the shared island unit for initiatives that would seek to protect and restore our shared biodiversity. I further welcomed the Taoiseach’s commitment to work with all political parties and civic environmental groups, North and South, to tackle this issue head on in terms of our targets on carbon emissions, the creation of green jobs and the improvement of our rail network both north and south of the border.

“I look forward to continuing my support for Green Party initiatives across the 32 counties and I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure that our commitments that seek to address climate change are fulfilled, concluded Deputy Matthews.



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