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Response to An Taoiseach's Comments on An Taisce

Date: 11 May 2021

I understand the frustration that some may have with lengthy planning and judicial matters however I’m disappointed with An Taoiseach's comments on An Taisce today. An Taisce have an important role in the protection of our natural environment and in sustainable land use and planning. They are a prescribed body in planning and are required to make submissions on certain planning applications. It would be preferable if politicians did not cast judgement on live planning matters or the right to judicial appeal. Our planning history is badly scarred with political interference which has left a legacy of issues in terms of flooding, spiralling carbon emissions and development in the wrong places.

An Taisce carries out extremely important work throughout this country in protecting our natural environment and architectural heritage. It works closely with schools on environmental education and water conservation through the Green Schools awards and every coastal community is delighted when awarded a Blue Flag which is also administered by An Taisce.

The entire country has a collective challenge to address climate change and reduce our carbon emissions. This will require all sectors including industry, agriculture and environmental NGOs working closely together for a shared future and politicians across all parties need to lead with a unifying approach to this most serious challenge



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