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Sinn Fein has ‘No position’ on Climate action

Wicklow TD Steven Matthews has slammed Sinn Fein for their complete lack of any policy or position on climate action. ‘for the most populist party on the scene you would think they might have a view on the most serious threat to life, livelihoods, our children and future generations. However, at the risk of losing a few votes they have never been clear on what actions they would take on the climate and environmental crisis. They are all about change but absolutely silent about climate change with their spokesperson recently claiming in two separate interviews they have ‘no position’ on what action needs to be taken’.

Deputy Matthews was highlighting the 20-year leading role of the Green Party on climate action while also criticising the lack of ambition and honesty from other parties. Speaking about the ambitious climate action policies that have been introduced by the Government over the last two years, Deputy Matthews said:

‘Climate and environmental protection are our priorities and we have always led on this. I promised voters in the General Election that if elected we would act on Climate. In March 2021, the Dáil passed the Climate Act which established legally binding commitments to reducing our carbon emissions by 51% by 2030 and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. That is real action and the Green Party keeping an election commitment.

‘The Climate Plan sets out how we will do this and the opportunities and challenges across all sectors especially in transport, agriculture, and energy. We are heavily investing in public transport projects – rural bus services, urban rail and cycling infrastructure. A huge home energy retrofit grant is available to make our homes energy efficient, we are rolling out solar power at scale and increased the offshore renewable energy target to provide reliable energy for Ireland. This will give us clean, affordable, and reliable energy for the future.

The climate crisis is now. It is an emergency, and we are witnessing extreme weather events and the destruction that follows as the temperature of the Earth rises – and it will get worse and cost us more unless we act collectively. I have campaigned and knocked on doors for over 20 years on this issue, I raise it in in the Dáil at every opportunity and I have faced down heckling from opposition TDs, more focused on keeping their seats rather than facing the stark reality of the climate crisis and I will never give up on this task’.

“The Green Party is committed to reducing carbon emissions and delivering benefits across society. Creating clean green jobs, affordable energy, warmer homes, better air quality and frequent affordable public transport. Our carbon neutral future will create different opportunities and jobs and improved wellbeing for families and wider society.

“The Green Party record on climate action has never been matched by those on the opposition benches. Sinn Féin come up short in terms of tangible climate policies and are sitting on the fence when it comes to deciding emissions targets for each sector. We are long past the tipping point in this crisis and telling people it will all be grand, and your sector or lifestyle won’t be changed. It takes responsible and honest politicians to lead on this and we are short of those too.

If you want honesty, action, and leadership on the climate crisis the Green Party will not let you down. However, if you just want nice reassuring words and platitudes there’s plenty of politicians offering that too,’ concluded Deputy Matthews.



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